Nail Trimming Do’s and Don’ts

Nail Trimming Do’s and Don’ts

Nail trimming should be a quick, simple procedure. Unfortunately, this basic grooming task often turns into a stressful experience for people and pets alike. Whether you’re concerned about hurting your pet or aren’t sure which tools to use, these tips may...
Pet Health Insurance

Pet Health Insurance

Does Your Pet Need Insurance?: Pet Health Insurance Basics Good health doesn’t last forever. Even the healthiest pet can eventually develop kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, or swallow string or other foreign object. When illness or injury strikes, pet health...
Homemade vs. Store Bought Pet Food

Homemade vs. Store Bought Pet Food

Pet owners have more choices than ever when it comes to feeding their pets. Commercially made products are readily available on grocery store shelves, the Internet, and in veterinary offices, while homemade food offers another feeding option. If you’re having a...
Can My Dog Give Me a Blood Infection?

Can My Dog Give Me a Blood Infection?

Unlike your dog, you’ve probably never had the urge to lick someone to show you care. Pets not only demonstrate affection by licking but may also pass along bacteria that can trigger serious infections in humans. Although the infections aren’t common, they...
Should You Declaw Your Cat?

Should You Declaw Your Cat?

How Declawing Affects Your Cat When the urge to scratch strikes, your cat doesn’t wait to find a surface you find acceptable. As far as your furry friend is concerned, couches, carpets, table legs, and your favorite draperies provide excellent scratching...